Anatomy of Two States

Two State Solution:

Mindfulness v Default State
Anatomy:  Central Executive Network, Task Positive Network     Dorsolateral prefrontal cortex (DLPFC)     Anterior Cingulate Cortex      Prefrontal Cortex     Parietal Cortex     Intraparietal Cortex     Basal Ganglia (Striatum and caudate)     Insula Anatomy: Default Mode Network (DMN) , Task Negative Network    Medial Prefrontal Cortex   Posterior Cingulate Cortex   Angular Gyrus   Hippocampus
Behavior:     Self or Outer Monitored     External direction or self discipline     Task Positive     ActiveBehavior:     Unfocussed Mind-Wandering      Internal Direction     Task Negative     
Effortful and relatively rareEffortless and Dominant
Working StateFreedom and preferred for most waking life
EEG: Beta and alpha in specific topography    Posterior Alpha especially eyes closed

Function of Active Regions: In Mindful State

   Anterior Cingulate: Conflict monitoring, regulates attention

   DLPFC: cognitive control, working memory, executive control, goal direction

   Posterior parietal cortex (PCC): Spatial attention, directional focus

   Frontal Eye Fields: voluntary guided eye movements especially directing attention

   Intraparietal sulcus: allocation of energy and focus

   Insula: Self Awareness, cognitive control of attention. 

   Basal Ganglia: Striatum and Caudate: Habit and action selection. 

Function of Active Regions: Default Mode Network

   Medial Prefrontal Cortex

   Posterior Cingulate Cortex

   Angular Gyrus


This sounds like I’m invoking a lot of brain regions to explain the transition between these two states. And it looks hopelessly complex. But there’s a way to simplify. First of all I am not going to draw or show all the brain regions mentioned. That is not necessary. 

The takeaway is that two mental states are characterized by networks activating brain regions. Second, I’d like to emphasize one particular region called the Dorsolateral prefrontal cortex. This is a part of the frontal lobe which will be mentioned again and again in describing brain states. The DLPFC resides in the most evolutionarily advanced parts of the brain. It is best thought of as the supreme watcher or Editor of brain activity in this particular context.  When you are awake or thinking and come up with a ridiculous idea, this is the region that finds it ridiculous and will tell you so, providing you are mindful. It may be evaluative and rejecting. 

Should you come up with something nonsensical such as a bounding leap over a mountain it is the DLPFC that says so, in order that you immediately and thoroughly quash that idea, especially when you are awake and engaged and mindful. Yet under other conditions, such as the relaxed idyllic DMN state, you are walking or lounging around thinking of nothing in particular and some thought, an ordinarily nonsensical and stupid thought, comes to mind, the DLPFC isn’t active. And that dominatrix of an editor may escape noticing it and fail to tell you and exile that terrible idea. Now you are free to think your nonsensical thought. Only sometimes, the very thought that under intense scrutiny would be rejected, the one that does not conform to your previous mental model, turns out to be the solution to the problem at the back of your mind. Maybe you guessed this already. The same thing happens in dreaming or REM sleep, the tyrannical editor, is temporarily silenced. The stone rejected by the builders has become the cornerstone. 

The Dorsolateral prefrontal Cortex


