Escape from AI is the Same as Screentime

Interview Joanna Stern and Mira Murato and Sam Altman.

Seems that AI mostly might be edging toward personal assistant model.

But Altman and Murato are not deluding themselves about replacing humans and omnipresent question talking about AI in fact making it a point that humans will always need to interact with fellow biologicals. 

I noticed last night at a dinner arguing about guns, people’s tendency not to cite the literature but rather their personal experience such as comforting a family of someone unintentionally killed by a gun. Real human experience outweighs data. 

How is AI going to change our lives?, everyone asks.

So happens I’m reading about Babylonian area humans 5500 or so years ago and weaving linens and wools that required thousands of human hours to make one garment. 

Can AI be viewed as an option to achieve efficient outputs per hourly input time saver, an aid and improvement of human life much like better weaving machines and factory operations? 

Someone might have said in the ancient city of Lagshish, I fear better looms will replace humans and humans will have no purpose nothing to do. 

I would so far say that fear is unfounded. 

What we are after is freeing humans for better things. 

Is AI approaching human hood what is called AGI? 

So far not, I would say, more like a new loom.

But AI will be a human assistant for the foreseeable future whose purpose is to reduce drudgery and free humans for human things. 

I see at least 2 classes of humans then as there are now. 

Some adopters will in fact soon overtake themselves 

Others will spend their precious time away from and in close proximity to their AI personal assistants.

It is just as some persons have servants now and some do not. 

Some will continue the struggle to free themselves from drudgery and seek their own creative human experiences and enterprise. For the average modal person though, AI can dangerously overtake them.

AI AGI are transformative but it is only technology and we are still people. It’s at our service.



